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"新闻 happens pretty quickly in our space and in the space of our competitors, 所以很显然, 我们所做的每件事都要准确,这一点很重要, 但也要迅速并第一个发现有新闻价值的事情 ... can be a real competitive advantage,” says Paul Werdel, associate editor for political news site 谈话要点备忘录 (TPM).

韦德尔说要快速准确的原因是 SnapStream the video recording and transcription service that inspires slavish devotion from those who rely on it. 它使搜索数小时的录音材料变得轻而易举, 这样编辑们就可以快速抓取他们需要的片段. 它是由 乔恩·斯图尔特的每日秀 to gather those perfect moments when a politician puts his foot in his mouth. It’s one of those rare products that works as well as the makers say it does.

Werdel helps run TPM’s New York bureau, where SnapStream constantly records eight news channels. TPM记录有线电视新闻重量级人物,如 美国有线电视新闻网, 福克斯新闻, 微软全国有线广播电视公司,以及…… c - span, CNBC, 彭博,以及一些旋转频道. It records all the coverage on those channels 24/7 and turns the recordings into mostly accurate transcriptions. TPM editors use the service to hunt down clips that can be used in quick news stories or to verify facts. Several people in the TPM newsroom are responsible for listening to the main cable networks for breaking news and mining the transcripts for newsworthy elements. 

TPM’s physical setup involves a locally stored SnapStream server that is connected to eight Time Warner cable boxes. All reporters on the TPM LAN have access to the SnapStream software and are trained on how to use it, 这样他们就可以听故事,并在需要的时候剪下视频.

“我们有一名首席视频工作人员负责我们所有的视频业务, 所以他无疑是SnapStream最大的用户,维尔德尔说。.

One area of TPM that needs quick video is the Campaign In 100 Seconds feature, 哪一个能让读者半开玩笑地看看当天发生的事情. 它是由每日新闻节目中有新闻价值的片段编织而成的.

“Our video editor is constantly mining and trolling through our SnapStream transcripts to find [not only] the most newsworthy bits of the day, but also the other sort of slightly sillier bits and pieces that he wants to build around,维尔德尔说。.

竞选辩论之夜也是TPM的繁忙时段, as the team wants to edit footage and serve the best video highlights to site visitors as soon as possible.

虽然Werdel通常会委托他想要从SnapStream剪辑的故事, 他也是该平台的实际用户, 监控流和剪辑视频时需要. 他有时还得兼任TPM的SnapStream技术支持, 极少情况下对平台进行故障排除.


The usual workflow at TPM goes something like this: Werdel sees something on a news program that he wants, 同时进行几项任务. 他给他的摄像师发了一个请求,让他剪掉一段视频, 让他知道这是当务之急. 然后拍视频的人找到并抓住了视频, 将其从MPEG转换为DV并在Final Cut Pro中进行抛光. 完成后,视频剪辑导出到TPM的YouTube频道.

与此同时,一位编辑正在为视频剪辑编写文本故事. 一旦完成了, 本文和视频通常发布在TPM的Livewire部分, 网站的一个区域,专门用于发布简短的标题和故事. 一旦在YouTube上直播,剪辑可以嵌入到TPM故事中.

“Our workflow for actually getting stuff off of SnapStream and onto our channels or onto our site is worked down to a pretty smooth process,维尔德尔说。. “我只需要让身边的人知道我想要什么, 事情发生的地方, 什么时候发生的,源头是什么, 只是为了帮他一把.”

虽然都在同一间办公室, 韦德尔的团队通过Skype聊天进行交流, 韦德尔用来给他的编辑下达任务的工具.

Sometimes Werdel and his editors have to rely on SnapStream’s transcription to verify that they heard a quote accurately. 内置的转录是一个粗略的指南,Werdel说. 而抄写的大部分都是准确的, an editor still needs to listen to the video to make sure that it was transcribed correctly. Werdel说,SnapStream几乎可以立即创建成绩单. 它输出一长段最低格式的文本.

“It’s as quick as doing a browser search for a keyword to find the basic section of what you’re looking for, 然后等我找到那部分, I can zero in a bit closer and use that as a rough guide to go back and get a precise transcript by listening to the clip,维尔德尔说。.

One thing that impresses Werdel about the transcription tool is that it can usually understand who is talking and can create a new line break for each speaker. 文字记录还可以帮助编辑找到所需的视频部分, 这样可以快速编辑. 抄本会定期添加时间戳, 这样编辑就可以快速找到他们想要剪掉的视频部分.

Werdel estimates that his team uses the SnapStream transcripts for stories just as much as they use the video. They don’t always need video, but they always need to know what was said and by whom.

“报价100%准确非常重要. Any serious news site can’t be in the business of misquoting people,维尔德尔说。.

SnapStream的转录并不能替代真实的报告, 指出Werdel, 但它确实节省了时间.

“I have never in my experience of using it found it to miss any key bit that I really needed or [to have misspelled something so disastrously] that it couldn’t find what I was looking for,维尔德尔说。.

转录可以理解专有名称或口音, 所以它对捕捉任何说话者的对话都很有用.

“The majority of keywords and transcriptions always seem to be spelled exactly in the way that you’re looking for, which makes things much more reliable and [makes it] a much more speedy tool to use,他补充道, 称其非常准确.


24小时录制8个视频流需要大量存储空间, 所以TPM不能长时间保存视频. The site only stores 3 days of video before the system automatically deletes it. 这给了团队足够的时间来分离重要材料.

“If there’s something in a given day that we haven’t considered newsworthy on that day, 我们不太可能再回到过去,维尔德尔说。.

即使编辑不打算马上使用一个项目, 他们剪下并存档他们将来可能会用到的材料. 对于一些活动, the editors do more than store separate clips: When the primaries are over and the general election begins, 例如, 维尔德尔说,他们将节省每一场辩论. 在初选期间,他们只储存最精彩的部分.

During the debates, however, the TPM editors put SnapStream through its hardest workout. 编辑们观看了现场辩论, they check with SnapStream frequently to confirm that they heard quotes correctly. Werdel says they’ll typically check with SnapStream dozens of times in a 2-hour debate, 在引语出现在读者面前之前进行核实. They’ll first use the transcripts for a rough check and then go to the video to get precise quotes for 文章.

“无论大小, 我想说,我们每天可以轻松地使用它100次, 有时甚至更多,维尔德尔说。. “It’s one of those things that it’s so elemental to the way in which we do things that it’s easy to forget and take for granted, 但它确实是我们在太空中做事的关键工具.”

如果没有SnapStream, 谈话要点备忘录会是什么样子, 如果编辑不得不用其他方式录制视频, 没有自动转录, 并通过浏览记录材料找到所需的片段? 韦德尔连想都不想想.

“如果我们没有SnapStream或类似的东西, it would make a whole section of our site—which is the video part of our site—a much less lively place to be. And it would make the whole process of reporting in our space a much more difficult and a much more time-consuming process,维尔德尔说。.

For anyone who has ever wondered how a TV show pulls together several talking-head clips to make a point or how a site quickly posts clips from TV news shows, 答案很可能是SnapStream. It’s making a name for itself as the must-have tool for our quick-delivery, instant news culture.

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Record feeds from multiple geographies and combine programs in an online library that employees can access from any location.


SnapStream在今年一月发布了它的第一个Mac客户端. 现在,它急于让它变得更好.